Results for 'Wilfred M. McClay'

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  1. Communitarianism and the federal idea.Wilfred M. McClay - 1998 - In Peter Augustine Lawler & Dale D. McConkey, Community and political thought today. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 101--107.
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    The Unclaimed Legacy of George Santayana.Wilfred M. McClay - 2009 - In James Seaton, The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy and Character and Opinion in the United States. Yale University Press. pp. 123-147.
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    The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy and Character and Opinion in the United States.James Seaton (ed.) - 2009 - Yale University Press.
    This book brings together two seminal works by George Santayana, one of the most significant philosophers of the twentieth century: _Character and Opinion in the United States,_ which stands with Tocqueville’s _Democracy in America_ as one the most insightful works of American cultural criticism ever written, and “The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy,” a landmark text of both philosophical analysis and cultural criticism. An introduction by James Seaton situates Santayana in the intellectual and cultural context of his own time. Four (...)
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    The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy and Character and Opinion in the United States.George Santayana - 2009 - Yale University Press.
    This book brings together two seminal works by George Santayana, one of the most significant philosophers of the twentieth century: Character and Opinion in the United States, which stands with Tocqueville's Democracy in America as one the most insightful works of American cultural criticism ever written, and The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy, a landmark text of both philosophical analysis and cultural criticism. An introduction by James Seaton situates Santayana in the intellectual and cultural context of his own time. Four (...)
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  5. Conspicuous Criticism: Tradition, the Individual, and Culture in Modern American Social Thought, Revised Edition.Christopher Shannon & Wilfred McClay - 2007 - University of Scranton Press.
    Originally published in 1996 and newly revised, _Conspicuous Criticism_ is a ringing defense of the need for religion and tradition in contemporary society. Writing with moral passion and critical verve, Christopher Shannon offers a convincing indictment of the forces that isolate the individual in modern capitalist society and counters more than a century of efforts by modern intellectuals­ to displace tradition in favor of a humanism that actually diminishes humanity in the name of freeing its potential. Featuring in-depth analyses of (...)
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    Un papyrus médical copteUn papyrus medical copte.Wilfred H. Schoff, M. Émile Chassinat & M. Emile Chassinat - 1925 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 45:76.
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    Letters pro and con.Edwin M. Blake & Thomas Wilfred - 1948 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 6 (3):265-276.
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    Ambiguities of UnderstandingOn Understanding Islam: Selected Studies.Richard M. Frank & Wilfred Cantwell Smith - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (2):313.
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    The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Writings, Beliefs, and Practices.Joseph M. Baumgarten, Florentino García Martinez, Julio Trebolle Barrera, Wilfred G. E. Watson & Florentino Garcia Martinez - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):143.
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    Ethics and the market: insights from social economics.Betsy Jane Clary, Wilfred Dolfsma & Deborah M. Figart (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Much existing economic theory overlooks ethics. Rather than situating the market and values at separate extremes of a continuum, Ethics and the Market contends that the two are necessarily and intimately related. This volume brings together some of the best work in the social economics tradition, with contributions on the social economy, social capital, identity, ethnicity and development, the household, externalities, international finance, capability, and pedagogy. Proceeding from an examination of the moral implications of markets, the book goes on to (...)
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    Objectivity and Religious Truth: A Comparison of Wilfred Cantwell Smith and Bernard Lonergan.Dennis M. Doyle - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):461-480.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:OBJECTIVITY AND RELlGIOUS TRUTH: A COMPARISON OF WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH AND BERNARD LONERGAN DENNIS M. DOYLE University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH •and Bernard Lonergan both propose a new agenda for theology n response to ;the same basic cultura.I developments.1 Both Smith and Lonergan pinpoint the crux of the current siturution!aJS the convergence of various cultures in a world where Western culture had.been heM by (...)
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    The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre. By Wilfred Desan. [REVIEW]Gary M. Gutting - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 45 (2):175-176.
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    The Medical Background of Anglo-Saxon England. A Study in History, Psychology and Folklore by Wilfred Bonser. [REVIEW]J. De C. M. Saunders - 1965 - Isis 56:93-95.
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    Book Review: Neal M. Ashkanasy, Charmine E.J. Härtel, and Wilfred J. Zerbe. 2000. Emotions in the Workplace: Research, Theory, and Practice. Westport, CT: Quorum. 328 pages, $75.00. [REVIEW]Darlene Bay - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (1):153-160.
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  15. Dix sermons de M. Wilfred Monod. L'Evangile et l'action politique. [REVIEW]Arnold Reymond - 1926 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 14 (58):76.
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  16. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea: travel and trade in the Indian Ocean by a merchant of the first century. Translated and annotated by Wilfred H. Schoff, A.M., of the Commercial Museum, Philadelphia. Longmans, Green and Co., 1912. [REVIEW]H. D. R. W. - 1913 - The Classical Review 27 (06):210-.
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    Let the Future Come by Wilfred Desan, and: Toward a Just Social Order by Derek L. Phillips. [REVIEW]John B. Davis - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):564-570.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:564 BOOK REVIEWS illuminating re-examination of the category of inwardness in Kierkegaard 's writings. The majority of the essays in the hook are similarly suggestive and will prove rewarding and interesting reading-they echo the aim and gift, share by Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard, of "making their readers thinkers" (xvi). University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia M. JAMIE FERREIRA Let the Future Come. By WILFRED DESAN. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, (...)
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    Hermeneutika és demokrácia: tanulmányok Fehér M. István tiszteletére.M. István Fehér & Miklós Nyírő (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest: MTA-ELTE Hermeneutika Kutatócsoport.
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    The Edith Russell Papers.Sheila Turcon - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (1):61-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:'Bibliographies/LArchivallnventories/Indexes THE EDITH RUSSELL PAPERS SHEILA TUReON Russell Archives I McMaster University Library Hamilton, Ont., Canada L8s 4M6 INTRODUCTION E dith, Countess Russell, was born Edith Finch, the daughter of Edward Bronson Finch, a physician, and his wife, Delia, on 5 November 1900 in New York City. She was educated at Bryn Mawr College (AB, 1922) and St. Hilda's College, Oxford (HON BA, 1925; MA, 1926). Returning to Bryn (...)
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    Vāqiʻʹgarāyī dar ʻulūm-i insānī-i Islāmī =.Ibrāhīm Dādjū - 2020 - Tihrān: Sāzmān-i Intishārāt-i Pizhūhishgāh-i Farhang va Andīshah-i Islāmī.
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  21. Aktualʹnye problemy filosofskoĭ nauki.M. A. Abdullaev - 1999 - Makhachkala: [S.N.].
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    Kant and Ghazali: the idea of universality of ethical norms.M. Amin Abdullah - 2000 - Frankfurt: Landeck.
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    The multiple obstacles to encephalization.M. Maurice Abitbol - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):344-345.
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    A Demographic Analysis of Consumer Environmental Attitudes about Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Brazil.M. Abreu & J. Lins - 2010 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 15 (2):6-14.
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  25. Dogmy i poisk: sto let diskussiĭ o dialektike v angliĭskoĭ filosofii.M. A. Abramov - 1994 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii.
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    Power relation between tarekat qadiriyah wa naqsyabandiyah (tarekat cukir) and partai persatuan pembangunan (ppp) in jombang, east java.M. Thohar Al Abza, Kamsi Kamsi Kamsi & Nawari Ismail - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):285-306.
    Tarekat teaches its followers not to glorify conglomerates, to keep their distance from leader, and to live in a way of zuhud, including in the matters of politics. But the Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah in Cukir Jombang was actually involved in practical politics as a supporter of Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. This paper, which was written in the form of ethnographic design according to the concept of the power relations of Foucault to find new perspectives about the actions of Tarekat communities (...)
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  27. La reforma en los orígenes de la modernidad.Mª del Rosario Acosta - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (124):3-34.
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  28. The Capitalist Revolution.M. ADLER - 1957
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    Ėmpiricheskai︠a︡ ėstetika--informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Empirical aesthetics--informational approach: proceedi[n]gs of the interanational symposium.M. N. Afasizhev & V. M. Petrov (eds.) - 1997 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  30. Ėstetika Kanta.M. N. Afasizhev - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  31. Kritika burzhuaznykh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva.M. N. Afasizhev - 1984 - Moskva: "Vysshai︠a︡ shkola".
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  32. Economía Política y Lucha Social.M. A. AGUILAR - 1970
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    Performance assessment and analysis of DNS tunneling tools.M. Aiello, A. Merlo & G. Papaleo - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (4):592-602.
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    First-order definability on finite structures.M. Ajtai - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (3):211-225.
  35. Nʹiuton i filosofskie problemy fiziki XX veka.M. D. Akhundov & S. V. Illarionov (eds.) - 1991 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  36. Preryvnoe i nepreryvnoe: materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika.M. D. Akhundov, Mikhail Alekseevich Parni︠u︡k, V. V. Kizima & V. A. Ryzhko (eds.) - 1983 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Genealogy as Paradigm:: The Example of Bellerophon.M. Alden - 1996 - Hermes 124 (3):257-263.
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    The Role of Telemachus in the 'Odyssey'.M. Alden - 1987 - Hermes 115 (2):129-137.
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    Kommunikativno-pragmaticheskai︠a︡ semantika: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. F. Alefirenko, V. P. Moskvin & R. I. Kudri︠a︡shova (eds.) - 2000 - Volgograd: "Peremena".
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  40. Taz̲kirah-yi Ḥaz̤rat Imām Gh̲azālī.Islām ul-Ḥaq - 1962
  41. Ziad swaidan, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. rose and Faye W. Gilbert.Paul M. Gurney & M. Humphreys - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64:421-422.
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    Liberalism, Democracy, and Literary Polemics.M. Lifshit - 1968 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 7 (3):3-20.
    Sensible people advise one not to expend one's strength on polemics. And sensible people are right, of course. But look at the history of social thought: there is no peace beneath the olives, and without the flames of social thought, even the pure light of science begins to flicker.
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  43. Kevin Anderson, Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism.M. Loewy - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  44. Human consciousness: A systems approach to the mind/brain interaction.M. L. Lonky - 2003 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 24 (1):91-118.
    The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Winter 2003, Volume 24, Number 1, Pages 91–118, ISSN 0271–0137 This paper focuses on a logical systems flow-down of a set of consciousness requirements, which together with biological quantification of human brain anatomy sets limits on the neurological network in the cerebrum in order to produce the mind. It employs data to validate inferences, or when data do not exist, proposes methods for acquiring valid evidence. Many of these systems requirements will be imposed after (...)
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  45. Epistemic Determiners.M. Lucia - 2006 - Journal of Semantics 23 (3):217-250.
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  46. Women and Literature in Britain, 1700-1800. Edited by Vivien Jones.M. Lyons - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (3):408-408.
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    Accidental Change and Quadricausality.M. A. MacConaill - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:210-229.
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  48. A felon's right to vote.J. M. - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (s 4-5):543-565.
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  49. Nationalists and Nomads. Essays on Francophone African Literature and Culture. By Christopher L. Miller.M. A. Majumdar - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (6):822-822.
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    The obstacles responsible for the hardening of neutron irradiated copper crystals.M. J. Makin - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (156):1245-1255.
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